Monday, June 21, 2010

A greenhouse

A greenhouse

A greenhouse provides an essential means of livelihood to its owner and must
be economically practical for the particular climate in which it stands.

Advanced Technology for Protected Horticulture addresses
the major environmental factors of light, temperature, water, nutrition, and
carbon dioxide, and features extensive discussions of greenhouse types,
construction, and climate control.

The book highlights technology such as
hydroponics, computer control of environments, and advanced mathematical
procedures for environmental optimization. Greenhouses: Advanced Technology
for Protected Horticulture is the definitive text/reference for the science of
greenhouse engineering and management.

The author Dr. Joe J. Hanan, Professor
Emeritus of Colorado State University, is the recipient of the Society of American
Florists' (SAF) 2000 (Millenium) Alex Laurie Award for Research and Education.
The Alex Laurie Award is presented annually to an individual who has made
broad-scope, long-lasting contributions to the floriculture industry through research
or education.

The award is named for Alex Laurie, a professor at The Ohio State
University, who pioneered work in many areas of floriculture. "Joe is one of the most
precise floricultural researchers I have known," said Dr. Gus De Hertogh, Chairman
of SAF's Research Committee.

"That excellence is reflected in his latest book,
Greenhouses, Advanced Technology for Protected Horticulture, which was
published in 1998, nine years after his official 'retirement.'"